Diy & Crafts

Which Colours Can Improve Classroom Productivity

Which Colours Can Improve Classroom Productivity

Blue and green are the best colours for classrooms as they have been found to increase productivity and creativity. While it is important to have a well-designed and stimulating classroom, the use of colour can also play a role in how well students learn. In this article, we will explore how different colours can be used in order to improve classroom productivity.

Blue and Green Are the Best Colours for Productivity and Creativity

Blue and green are found to be the best colours for productivity and creativity in the classroom setting. A study by Texas A&M University found that these colours can improve focus and motivation, as well as help with problem-solving. Another study, conducted by the University of Utah, showed that blue is best for reading and comprehension, while green stimulates creativity.

So what does this mean for classroom decoration? When incorporating these colours into the décor, it is best to use them as accent colours. This means that they should be used in moderation and not be overwhelming. Try painting one wall blue or green, or using blue or green accents in furniture or décor.

When using these colours in the classroom, it is important to remember that each colour has its own effect on learning. Blue is best for reading and comprehension, while green stimulates creativity. Use these colours wisely to create the best learning environment for your students.

How to Use Other Colors to Achieve Different Results

While blue and green are often cited as the best colours for classrooms, other colours can also be used in order to achieve different results.

For example, studies have shown that red can increase excitement and energy levels, while yellow can promote focus and concentration.

If you’re looking to create a more stimulating environment, consider using brighter colours like red and yellow in your classroom.

Conversely, if you’re looking for a more calming atmosphere, muted colours like blue and green may be a better choice.

In any case, it’s important to experiment with different colours in order to find what works best for you and your students.


Classrooms that are brightly coloured can often lead to a more productive and creative learning environment. However, it is important to use these colours in moderation so as not to overwhelm students. In addition, each colour has its own effect on productivity and creativity, so it is important to experiment with different hues in order to find the best combination for your classroom. What have you found to be the best colours for your classroom? Let us know in the comments!